Enable iOS 6 Wi-Fi Plus Cellular to keep apps syncing
When I connect to a WiFi hotspot from your iPad 3G and then the Wi-Fi connection gets issues or chokes, some of the apps will stop syncing your important datas. In the latest beta of iOS 6, iPad or iPhone can automatically detect these issues and toggle it back to use cellular data without any interruption.
How to Enable iOS 6 Wi-Fi Plus Cellular
* From Home screen, tap on Setting > General > Cellular systems.
* Turn "Wi-Fi Plus Cellular" ON to allow apps having trouble with WiFi to use 3G.
* Under the "Use Cellular Data for" option, select which apps to have the feature, including iCloud Documents, iTunes, FaceTime, Passbook Updates and Reading List. For example, turning "iCloud Documents" on could help you keep syncing over Cellular until you have cleared up the WiFi network issues.
A very informative post. Passbook iOS 6 helps you to create your own passes and cards, and put them in your iPhone's Passbook. Also You could easily distribute them to other people as you will.